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Every so often one of us will write a short article, or curate some images, with virtually all creative subjects welcome.
iHub Monthly Mini Exhibition February 2022
MONTHLY MINI-EXHIBITIONFebruary 19 to March 18 2022 Raglan iHub, 13 Wainui Rd, next to MuseumRaglan Art Collective, 10am to 3pm dailyArtists: Lois Brooks, Wanda Barker to see all our artists and their workSubscribeJoin Our Newsletter
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New Acrylics
Dyana Wells Above: Low Tide Below: The Dance (both 34x46cm, acrylic on board) A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the third week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Silver Fern
Richard Gemmell Silver side exposed, Fern caught in a beam of light, National emblem. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the third week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN...
Smuggler’s Cove
Catherine Houston Smuggler's Cove, Cornwall 3. 122 x 91 cm I'll be running out of paint at this rate! A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Bird Pattern on the Beach
Helma van der Pasch A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Morning View
Elsa Lye These 2 photos where taken recently 40min. apart. Some mornings the entrance to Raglan harbour is white out. I don't have a studio so used this phenomenon. It may be rare veniclar cloud. Does anyone know? This vessel was living flat on shells in an anagama...
Bereft Beach
Elsa Lye Wainamu beach bereft of kite boarders, where the tide rips. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE