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Every so often one of us will write a short article, or curate some images, with virtually all creative subjects welcome.

iHub Monthly Mini Exhibition January 2022

iHub Monthly Mini Exhibition January 2022

MONTHLY MINI-EXHIBITIONJanuary 21 to February 18 2022 Raglan iHub, 13 Wainui Rd, next to MuseumRaglan Art Collective, 10am to 3pm dailyArtists: Helma van der Pasch, Richard Gemmell, Toni Kingstone to see all our artists and their...

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Other blogs

Summer Wine Tasting

Summer Wine Tasting

Ria and Helma Ria placed first paint on canvas on Monday. After that we had turns do do something to it, for what each thought it needed. We both feel it’s finished. We named it: “summer wine tasting”. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week...

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Ducks With A Difference

Ducks With A Difference

Elsa Lye Did you spot the different duck? A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE

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Soap Dish

Soap Dish

Elsa Lye 20 years ago Gavin Hipkins was judged winner with a photograph of a soap dish for the first National Contemporary Art Award promoted by the Waikato Arts Society and the Waikato Museum. I have always wanted to celebrate the soap dish from that time as I was on...

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View of Ruapuke

View of Ruapuke

Ria den Otter My sister Ria is here on a holiday and in lockdown with me, this is her creation. – Helma A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE

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Autumnal Pursuits

Autumnal Pursuits

Elsa Lye Enjoying the slower pace and making Maggie Beers quince and rosemary jelly, recommended with cheese, quail and venison. I wish. Health much improved. Above: After. Below: Before. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the second week of the...

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A Rainy Wait

A Rainy Wait

Helma van der Pasch A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, March 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE

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