Recent News
Every so often one of us will write a short article, or curate some images, with virtually all creative subjects welcome.
Community House Weekend Exhibition December 11-12
MONTHLY WEEKEND EXHIBITIONDecember 11–12 2021 Community House, Bow St, next to Town Hall and Raglan RadioRaglan Art Collective, 10am to 4pm dailyArtists: Wanda Barker / Toni Kingstone / Loesje de Bree / Helma van der Pasch / Dyana Wells to see...
Business Planning
Start Ups
Other blogs
Mother and Child
Dyana Wells I finished these mother and child studies from life drawing classes a couple of days ago. They are prints made by wiping printing ink off acetate plates and then printing using a brayer to press. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first...
Deep in the Cliff Face
Richard Gemmell Deep in the cliff face, A mineral deposit, Rings of gold and rust. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, March 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
A Balinese Feel
Bridget Tasker This is my mural for our garden studio porch. Trying to create a Balinese feel. Trying also to take my time, as I have lots. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, March 2020. RETURN...
The Seahorse
My sister Ria is here on a holiday and in lockdown with me, this is her creation. – Helma A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, March 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Creating a Background
Helma van der pasch A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, March 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE