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Every so often one of us will write a short article, or curate some images, with virtually all creative subjects welcome.
iHub Monthly Mini Exhibition April 2022
MONTHLY MINI-EXHIBITIONApril 15 to May 20 Raglan iHub, 13 Wainui Rd, next to MuseumRaglan Art Collective, 10am to 3pm dailyArtists: Catherine Houston and Dyana Wells to see all our artists and their workSubscribeJoin Our Newsletter
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Other blogs
Dyana Wells A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the fifth week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, May 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Lois Brooks A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the fifth week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, May 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE
Grandsons and Birthdays
Catherine Houston I made the most of the wet weather to finish this large painting 'The boy who liked to dress up' for my grandson's 6th birthday. I'm pleased we are doing another week of lock down and will probably carry on as usual on my secluded hill. A series of...
Black Clay Beauty
Elsa Lye Black clay fascinates me ... a whole different feel to white. These small pieces still to be fired. My studio has shrunk to half a garage ... makes me consider space. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the fourth week of the Coronavirus...
Website Update
Dyana Wells Brian regularly "encourages" me to update my website. So we set aside some time and assembled a major update of recent work. Plus creating new portfolios of older work. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the...
Encaustic Portrait
Catherine O'Kelly My first attempt at a portrait in encaustic. A series of updates from RaglanArt members during the third week of the Coronavirus lockdown in New Zealand, April 2020. RETURN TO LOCKDOWN MAIN PAGE